The Three Brains
The Brain The Brain is a complex system of nerve cells called neurons and glia and processing centers that enables it to act like a powerful computer which coordinates body-mind activities
The Brain The Brain is a complex system of nerve cells called neurons and glia and processing centers that enables it to act like a powerful computer which coordinates body-mind activities
The Body The Human Body is a complex living arrangement of various organs, endocrines, and body parts engaged in a constant homeostasis concert with each other. At the
All ancient cultures observed the inherent rhythms in nature such as seasonal changes, movements of life-cycles, celestial movements and the effect of these long cycles on humans. Centuries later
Epigenetics (“EPI”- ABOVE, GENETICS-STUDY OF GENES) “The complexity of our biology resides not in the number of our genes but in the regulatory switches,” Eric Green,
“Earth has always been and always will be a microbe-dominated world. Microbes existed for at least 2.5 billion years before the first multicellular creatures…” – M. Velasquez–Manoff “ Germ Theory
The conversation started in the Fall of 2014 with a fellow practitioner and friend, on a massage table in Duvall, WA. I was feeling
IMPORTANT: I do not diagnose illnesses, label disease symptoms, prescribe medications, sell products or endorse any claims. We do not recommend that a client stop any medications or therapies that they are currently on instead these therapies can be used safely with any other therapies you are currently receiving. These therapies can be used for all ages, all conditions and all levels of health.